Tuesday, August 19, 2003

The Amazons were right!

I have come to realize over the years the one inevitable fact that all women at one time or another must not only learn, but must then realize is true. The Amazons had the right idea. I mean, think about it. Men are useless. Yes they are cute, yes they allow us to reproduce, yes they are even great in bed (if you are lucky enough to find one that is at least), but all in all women can do perfectly well, and sometimes are better off, without the men getting in the way.

And lets face it, with cloning just around the corner us women won't even need men for reproduction soon, so you guys better start finding new ways to earn your keep!

What can a man do better than a woman that does not include things such as pissing while standing up? Yes men are physically stronger as a general rule, but strength and size does not matter. Maybe I have only met the less intelligent ones of the species, but whenever I need something done and done right I generally have to do it myself because asking a guy to do it just flat does not work. There are a few guys, mostly among my nephews, that are still chivalrous and when they see me move something will step forward and offer to carry it for me. There are a very few that will clean up after themselves. The last time I had a man hold the door for me I was on a date and it was my boyfriend's brother that dashed forward to open the door for me. That was nearly 20 years ago.

As I write this I am trying to ignore the smell of heating fuel on my hand from where I just poured a 5 gallon can of heating oil into the 300 gallon tank out back. My brother was to have poured the fuel into the tank the other day but only poured one can in. Now had it been a woman that was doing it I have no doubt that both cans would have been poured in, but a man? Nooooo... why waste time pouring both in? Why not simply pour in one now and another later on? I'll tell you why not... because the heater runs out of fuel and the people that thought both cans were poured in then have to do the job themselves. Why couldn't the man have just done the job right in the first place?

Dishes are another point where men fail to use their higher reasoning powers. Any woman can look at a pile of dishes and know that they need to be placed in the dishwasher and washed if there are no clean dishes for cereal. A man's answer? "Where's the mixing bowls?" :::pounding head on desk:::

I am likely being too harsh on the entire male population, and I apologize for that. There are decent and good men out there. I know there are... I hope there are... but I have yet to meet one that has proven to not simply be hiding behind an act. It has to be some kind of sexual instinct for survival. They think that if they look and act cute at the right moments then us women will not only forgive them for all of the stupidity men have shown, but we'll actually let them get close enough to be able to take advantage of our gullibility.

Now, before any men that may find this start getting the wrong idea, NO, I'm not. I like guys. There are some exceptionally good looking actors out there that I would love to have a date with if they ever decide to get divorced and move to Alaska. And yes, I live in a state that is known for some idiots bright idea of an advertising slogan being - "Alaska, where the odds are good." Well, let me tell you ladies, us Alaskan women know a side to that no tourism rep is going to tell you... the odds may be good, but the goods are odd.

Okay, rant over. I'm going to go make sure the heater restarted properly and get back to my writing work.