Saturday, August 12, 2006

Gun Safety

My brother bought his son a rifle the other day - something that my mom was less than thrilled about. My brother pointed out that he was much younger than his son is now when our mom bought him his first .22 rifle.

Guns are a part of many people's lives, and gun safety should be as well. When me and my brothers and sisters were kids, my parents made sure to teach us all about respecting guns and how to handle them safely. We all knew that guns were not to be treated like toys, even if they were toy cap pistols. My brother has carried that on, assuring that his son understands gun safety and respect for the weapons. That his son is ready for the responsibility that comes with owning a gun.

Anyone that is serious about getting a gun today, needs to be serious about gun safety as well. This means that they need to take the time to be sure that any children that might be in the home where the gun is know about gun safety. They need to purchase locks for the triggers and ideally a good gun safe. A gun safe not only protects your family from accidental injury or tragedy, but it can protect an expensive investment in weapons in the event of home burglary or even fire.

And with an estimated 341,000 guns stolen from private owners every year, many used in the commitment of crimes, safely protecting your investment from theft is the duty of any gun owner.

For more on gun safes visit: gun safes