Nice idea, and yes it does work, but what motivates someone to pay someone to blog? You do. Advertisers know that blogs are read. They know that bloggers spend a lot of time and energy establishing themselves as reliable sources in certain subjects and have reputations that they like to maintain in good standing with their readership.
So where does the advertisers come into things? In product plugging. They want their product/service/website to be mentioned on a blog to spread name recognition around some. Think of it in terms of the famous actress that steps out of the name brand store in her new movie and tips back name brand soda while opening the door of her name brand car. The store, the soda company, the car manufacturer, even the clothing designers all vie for getting their product featured in that movie so people watching it will see the star and see the product and later on see the product and think "Gee, that's familiar."
Big wig movie producers know the value of brand placements in movies. Big name blogs know the value of sticking links into their blogs for companies willing to pay them for it. It's all a matter of what someone wants and what someone else is wiling to give for it.
What would you pay someone to do? Me, I'd pay to have some guilt-free free time away from caregiving duties. I'd pay to have my book promoted when I get it published. I'd pay for someone to catch up on all my sleep for me and have it actually do me some good.
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