This may seem like an odd thing to celebrate for some of you, but you would understand if you had felt the depression I had felt when I first went over 200 pounds. It was not a good feeling and then to have gone through a situation last week where I had thought I had gone from 204 to 198, only to find out I was still over 200 pounds on the new scale. That was very depressing. Depressing to the point that for a night I gave up on my diet and pigged out all I wanted on chocolate marshmallow cookies and chocolate covered peanut butter grahams and mile - whole milk.
I was pleasantly surprised at my next weigh-in to find that I had still dropped 1.8 pounds that week. So back on the diet. I even are more than I usually do. Particularly of the meatloaf dinner we had the other night. And today I weighed in and found out that in the past week I lost 4.8 pounds. YES!
I've decided that I need to get more serious about this and about doing it right. I am going to start checking out more weight loss sites, starting with the forums at I was looking the site over briefly earlier tonight and will definitely be returning and probably joining their forums. The site just seems to be the perfect compliment to the home gym that I am in the process of building. It will give me a chance to get real advice from others that have experience with weight training and cardio-vascular exercises without the need to join an expensive gym that I have no time to attend anyway.
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