Tuesday, September 12, 2006

ATV Ride to Big Lake

Took my ATV up to Big Lake yesterday - the trail seemed to be decent (Kenlar-Biglake Rd.) There was places I'd say were absolute beginner, places that were in my opinion moderate, most was what I'd call advanced beginner terrain. I plan to take the ride again in a day or two and do a trail assessment of the route and get a map of how it's all laid out. Have to find a day when I have a few hours for that though.

I plan to get information going on the trail systems open to ATVs, not very satisfied with the little I'm finding so far from other Alaskan ATV sites. Found a MAtSu site that lists the trails, now just have to expand on what I found there and start getting some personal perspectives on the trails. Will post links to sites I've found later.