The door closed, leaving the room in complete darkness. Flaming Tamale sighed, wishing yet again that Ted would listen to her that they needed them cool sliding doors with the swishing sounds that the Enterprise was equipped with. Ah well. Maybe she would surprise him come Christmas time with a redesign of the offices, make a replica of the bridge of the Enterprise complete with Captain's chair for herself.. errr.. for Ted rather. Yeah, for Ted. He'd believe that, then she could send him off on another vacation and keep the chair warm.
Still mulling the possibilities over she made her way toward her car, adjusting the command suit she wore and watching out for more of them pesky cameras that tended to catch evidence of her Trekker side.
She had plans to see through. Had spent all afternoon approving posts and confirming payments and now just wanted to get down to the store and pick up that itty bitty polka dot bikini for Ted. He was going to be forced to wear it one of these days and she wanted to be ready for that day to come. Damn the man and his slipping out of that particular noose. She would have to be sure and catch the entire thing on video too, get it up on YouTube fast so she could share it with as many Posties as she could before Ted caught her. Share the love you know.
Oh good, the radio station had a Beatles marathon going. Tapping her hand on the wheel of the car as she drove through traffic Flaming Tamale sang along to the songs, mentally sticking her tongue out at those who would make fun of her doing such a thing. Oh, look. She slowed the car, watching the people gathered at the corner of the street. Such fun, just watching people. Particularly when they did not realize they were being watched. She loved the power, it was such a rush. Of course, the Posties knew about her now, so it was not as much fun being sneaky, but she still got a great kick out of watching them. She studied the people on the corner, silently snickering as she associated faces of these strangers to what she figured various Posties might look like. Too soon the light changed and she was driving again.
Something on a corner caught her eye. Was that a camera phone? Was it aimed at her? Nah. Couldn't be. Wait... there was another one. And a digital camera. Oh man, now Ted had her paranoid that everyone was catching proof of her Trekkieness. She had this feeling like people were watching her, prying into what she did outside of work. Were they going to find out? No. It was just her imagination. She wasn't being followed by Posties. Was she? Just in case, a few well done maneuvers never hurt any, throw folks off the trail. Damn them paparazzi Peeps anyway. They were all going to know what she did in her down time. Steering her shuttlecraft.. err, her car into the driveway she made a dash for her front door. More cameras. They were everywhere. She would seek her revenge and it would most definitely involve an itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikini. Just wait... just... Damn cameras!
Join us next time for the further adventures of the PPP Team Members... Will Flaming Tamale evade the paparazzi Peeps? Will Ted ever be forced to wear that bikini? Check out the fun at PPP to find out.
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