Saturday, September 23, 2006

Home security - guns and dogs and....

My dad had a bumper sticker for his motor home when we drove it around that said "I don't dial 911, I dial .457" and had a image of a Magnum as seen from the wring end of it to be on. I suppose that is a fairly good summation of most home security systems in Alaska. Neighborhood watch is a good part of our security too, us and our neighbors keeping close eyes on exactly what's going on at one another's homes. Dogs are good, as long as the burglar's not a moose LOL The moose tend to come around a lot, but after a few years the dogs learn they aren't worth barking at so ignore them. Aside from that - I ain't telling exactly what we have, but home security is definitely something that everyone should take seriously and get the best they can, for peace of mind if nothing else. Hell, I have a 130 decibel alarm just for if someone leans on my ATV ;-)