Thursday, September 14, 2006

PPP vs AdSense - fight of the century... 30 second knockout

Okay folks, in the first thirty seconds of the match PPP delivered a KO to AdSense in the ring. What a spectacular fight it was. PPP came out of nowhere, the underdog in all the major bogs, and laid waste to Adsense. In the first 30 seconds of being a PPP poster the same amount was made as took five years of AdSense to make. This fight is over, people. PayPerPost is here to stay and all those who insulted it are no doubt off enjoying a nice serving of crow.

As for me? What is my experinece like and did I make money? Well, I've made under $20 so far on one in near 5 years and over $300 on the other in near a month - you tell me which is the better deal.