Thursday, September 21, 2006

This is soooo not fair!

I wanted to go visit my two best friends since one of them is going to a concert in the same city as the other one lives. I don't get my Alaska dividend until the 4th - the day after my friends planned visit is all over. I pondered every way around it and at best I could maybe manage a ticket on the 27th, but then I'd be paying like $1,200 for it. So, I'm just forced to resign myself to the fact that I won't get to see them for a few more years until they've saved up vacation time at their jobs and the money to do something. I'll be pondering what can be done though. Maybe get them to go on a trip to Hawaii with me or an Alaskan cruise? Or Cruise the Caribbean. Go spend a week in a beach-side cabin somewhere? We'll see. Definitely plotting on it though, too depressed about no chance of getting to go this time (particularly since I missed the last group vacation too).

Wonder how much a cruise in June is... hmm.....