Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wal-Mart is making a BIG mistake

I just heard that Wal-Mart is phasing out its layaway program. November 19th is the last chance to take advantage of layaway for Christmas shopping at Wal-Mart stores and the stuff must be taken out no later than December 8th.

This SUCKS. We can't do Christmas without the chance given by Wal-Mart's layaway department to pay it out over a couple of months and I don't do credit cards. If they're not making money (which is the stated reason for doing away with it) why not just charge folks $5 or a certain percent of the item's cost to put something in layaway? Maybe someone will move a Kmart out to the Valley, Kmart still does layaway and has stated that they *WILL NOT* be doing away with it. They understand that it's a good thing for their customers.

To quote from Reuters:
"Layaway service is a way for gift-givers to keep presents away from prying eyes, and provides customers with this convenient option," Don Germano, senior vice president of Kmart retail, said in a statement.

(Shame there are no Kmart stores in Alaska.)

I say everyone that has enjoyed the convience of Wal-Mart's layaway should boycott the store this Christmas in protest of them doing away with it. We might all pay a little more by going to Fred Meyer or Kmart or Sears, but we would be sending the Wal-Mart executives a unmistakable message that we like the layaway service and need it at Christmas time.

Just my 2 cents worth on the matter.