Monday, September 11, 2006

Wedding bells in Hawaii

Both my parents and one of my nephew's have wedding anniversaries this month, so I suppose that it's little wonder that this time of year things to do with marriage tend to catch my eye. My parents have long since celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary, working on more like the 56th now I think. That is what I consider true love. I'd like to find a guy I can feel that strong a commitment to, and as I am thinking of such things I stumbled across a Maui Weddings site. Get married in Maui, how perfect would that be? Looking at the site and the pictures... I want to be married in a massive flowing white gown in front of that Makena Waterfall - I love waterfalls. Waterfalls and firelight - a night wedding.. ohh.. must go back to the site and see if they would be able to accommodate that, then all I need is a cute guy to marry.