Thursday, November 23, 2006

Please Don't Tap Bibles on the Door, I'm one of The Other People

Okay, I was sent to read something because I was told that the attitude or the writer toward Jehovah's Witnesses is scarily similar to my own and, like me, he loves to have them come knocking on the door so he can discuss the Bible with them. I read through it and I have to agree, the guy is like what I would be like if I did not temper my smart aleckness when discussing Bible thumpers. No disrespect to the folks that believe in God, you have every right to your own beliefs, I just don't happen to have the same blind faith that some folks have. This is most often evident when I get people knocking on my door wanting to discuss the state of affairs in the world today and how if I will just take the Lord God into my heart I'll have a better life.

I've managed to catch a few of these folks over the years and ask them about the Bible, more precisely about the oxymoron's that I have seen in it, and they generally stammer something about how I should not question it and just *believe*. I'm sorry, people, I am not accepting stuff that requires me being told to check my sense of self at the door.

It can get interesting when I have the folks that come knocking, Bible in hand, talking to me. Their answers to some of the questions I have range anywhere from the blank stare and change of subject, to stammered out explanations that bring up another contradiction I want explained.

My mom does not care for them to be trying to convert us, however, and will usually threaten to turned the dogs out on them before I can get them to answer all my questions about the inconsistencies in the Bible. We informed them a few years back that we want our place marked as "Do not stop there" on their little maps, but that didn't stop them. They came back and I told them that my mom asked them to mark us off their list for places to stop at. They said they had come in the back road and didn't know this place was not to be stopped at. I informed them it was and to please leave and not come back, they of course wanted to make the most of their apparent last chance to save me and went into their speech about the state of the world. I was already standing on the porch and awakened, so I too took advantage of the apparent last encounter and started asking them about the parts of the Bible I wasn't too clear on - such as why are Churches built from hewn lumber and stone when it says in there not to do that? And who the heck did Adam and Eve's kids marry? They informed me that the girls the guys married were Adam and Eve's daughters. Interesting..... so, the Bible condones incest, huh?

My mom finally came and informed them they were to get off our land and never come back. So of course they skipped a year and then came back again. I was not very happy with being woke as early as I was for someone to tell me I had to convert to their religion, so I informed them they had been told several times to not come to our house. They looked shocked and said they were never told, it had to have been another church group. They then started into their spiel and I started into informing them that my parents had asked multiple times to be left alone, they were to get off the land and never come back. The looks on their faces was rather memorable when I added in that the next time they came to the house I was going to call the police and send them to their church. We have not seen them since.

Anyway, I had written an article a while back on the subject of the people that came before Adam and Eve, you know about them, right? The folks that was made a full day before Adam and Eve were made. You can find my article here: Outrageous or contradictory quotes from the Bible. And the similar point of view I was shown is an article posted on a Live Journal: We Are The Other People by Oberon Zell.


Sandra said...

Okay, just to test your theory that it's a grammar glitch I went and got my Bible - which was printed in 1869. And there is obviously a predominance of the use of the word "and" - in fact, Genesis Chapter 1 starts with "The" and other than Gen. 1:27 where they put in the word "so" every other one of the 31 sentences begins with "and".

However, as you read on you find other words used Genesis to begin words: The, these, but, therefore, for, unto, thorns, in, so, if, when, behold, ..... and that is just from Genesis chapter two to Genesis chapter four. More words are added in chapter five and so on. So, eeeehhh, no, I don't buy that it is a grammar mistake.

What I do buy is that God and his companions made man in their image and God watched the little man-creatures scrurry around for a while then decided that his co-scientists had messed everything up by making things too free-form, so God took one of the man-o-creation kits down and made himself a new man. He didn't tell that man about them other men and women frolicking off over on the other side of the hills, just plinked him down in lab cage E and said, "be good and let me study you, but don't touch them two trees." Man kicked the dirt for a few hours and wailed about being all alone so God gave him a woman to be with him. Now, at this point there is, I understand, some descrpency. I have heard it said that the first woman was not really Eve, that the first woman wanted to be Adam's equal and Adam bitched so God kicked that woman out of the experiment and gave him Eve.

Adam and Eve lived the good sheltered life thinking they was all alone in the world and could do whatever they wanted to do. They even ate from a tree God had told Adam would kill him. Adam lived something like 800 years after he ate the fruit of the tree of knowledge by the way, and no, he was not just "made mortal", because the man was mortal to begin with - that's what the fuss about the tree of life was. God wanted to prevent man being made immortal.

So all that aside - assuming that chapter two is just a recap of chapter one. Where did the people of the land of Nod come from? Who are they? How did they get there? Who was Cain afraid was going to slay him that God had to place divine protection upon his head?