I turned the apple tree killer into a calling card:
This is the sucker that was abusing the birch tree outside my window, and shows how dirty the window was, but the moose was leaving so I had to get the picture dirty window or not:
And the same moose from the side a little bit later through a clean window:
The one in the calling card is a different moose from the one above. As I said, we actually had three of them in the yard today but I only got clear pictures of the two. Here is the one from the calling card a little while later laying down (look at center of bottom of the picture) under the partial moon in the sky. I like this picture and had to turn the camera on an angle to get it:
My Mooskies pictures will be over on my Phantascene.com website soon, I plan to make an area on the website with Alaskan wild critters and scenery pictures in it.
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