Most of those that read my blogs have probably figured out by now that the reason I provide full-time care to my father is because he suffered from a massive stroke that left him partially paralyzed.
Earlier I was in his room and the radio was on and saying something about how, I think they said Stroke (a magazine about stroke), one of the magazines had reported that prayer makes stroke patients recover better. I've been looking online for the information but can't find it.
Anyway, my first thought was to wonder if they had made the connection that rather than the prayers being answered making the person better it was the
act of praying. If believing that it was possible to get better and that subconscious belief allowing the body to reach for the impossible.
Just before Christmas my dad had another stroke. His left eye went lazy and stared down to the left at such an angle that even just looking at something could give him headaches and he saw two of everything. He had no depth perception and could not see where to sit something on the table because he could not tell where the table was.
This was during the time that his regular doctor was on Christmas vacation and the doctors we talked to about it said that he would just have to learn to cope with it, maybe wear an eye patch or something.
Well, I was just upstairs talking to him after hearing that thing on the radio and pointed out what the radio had said and pointed out that my dad's eyes are today back to both looking like they should. Prayer did not do that, to my knowledge my father has never prayed in my lifetime. His own determination not to let this beat him, to never give up, is what has done it.
Now, don't get me wrong. Before you flame me listen to what I am saying. I'm not saying that prayer can't do miracles, I am saying that to my knowledge my dad does not pray. I'm saying that those who have the determination to pray to God (or whatever higher power they believe in) are giving themselves the strength that my father, and others, has in them. I'm saying that the same possibility for recovery is available to those that believe they can get better as it is to those that pray to get better.
And, hey, a little faith and prayer on top of stubbornness never hurt.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
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