Thursday, March 08, 2007

Moving to b2evo

I'm in the process of moving all of my blogs back to my main website and using the b2evo program for blogging at my site. I love the program, but if you are not savy to how to do programming, I advise you to transfer Blogger or Wordpress blogging programs over instead. I keep having to modify here and there and make adjustments and today I am in major overhaul mode because I am having to replace the post editor that comes with b2evo with another one.

Open Source programs such as b2 are great, I love them dearly, but they do have their own little headaches that you have to work your way through one line of programming at a time.

Still, I'm almost done and will soon be happily marketing all of my blogs back on my primary server where they belong. It has been a long rebuild and Blogger has been an invaluable help to me in keeping the blogs up and running as I fought my website. I will maintain these blogs, and content is not planned to mirror from one to the other between the soon to be two versions of my blogs, so it could still benefit anyone that is interested to occasionally ping back here to Blogger to see what I am saying here that I am not saying on the main blogs. ;-)

My family knows where the main blogs are, there are some things I just don't wanna say there. LOL