Saturday, April 21, 2007

PowerBroker and PowerPassword-User Management Edition (UME) access control solutions

You can get a free 30 day trial of Symark Software's PowerBroker and PowerPassword-User Management Edition (UME) access control solutions. These are the programs that address the inherent security gaps that exist in over 30 versions of UNIX and Linux systems.

Symark’s PowerBroker and PowerPassword-UME identity management and access control solutions provide you with Privileged Access capability.

Just look at some of the testimonials that Symark has received from its customers, and you can see that the products will help protect your IT environments.

A quote from on the testimonials page sums up why companies need this software: "Because authorized users commit roughly 80% of computer crime, providing too much access is a huge security risk." I know this is true, since I have problems with authorized users on one of my websites.

This post is a paid ad for Symark