Saturday, April 21, 2007

United Vacation Network ?

Okay, I'm not sure what to make of United Vacation Network. I've been trying to get to their website to check into their claim that they have a staff of professionals that have the training needed to help you plan your next vacation. The company describes itself as a travel fulfillment company, and says that they can help clients both big and small with cruises, resorts, airfare, rental car, and other aspects of travel. Providing assistance for either tour or individually prepared vacation packages at what they say are the best possible price.

Apparently these good deals and prices come from connections that United Vacation Network says they have with major travel providers, consolidators, and wholesalers.

The trouble is, I can't confirm any of these claims because the United Vacation Network website appears to be offline. The links that do work are nothing more than a tour of links around various free membership sites with the same information and links on each of them and apparently set up to increase Page Rank.

In reguards to the main site. Firefox tells me:
The page isn't redirecting properly

Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete.
I don't know what the guy's up to, but I give up trying to get to the main page of his site. This is all I know about the site and what it claims to offer.

This post is sponsored by United Vacation Network