Saturday, April 14, 2007

What's the newest buzz in the blogosphere? It's the Blogger's Choice Awards

Yup, that's right. There is a Blogger's Choice Awards. Between now and 11:59pm on May 22nd, bloggers and blog readers everywhere will be nominating and voting for their favorite blogs in the Blogger's Choice Awards.

The Blogger's Choice Awards is open now to voting and blog nomination by anyone and is looking for blogs to be nominated and voted on in blog awards categories that include:
Best Celebrity Blogger
Best Religion Blog
Most Obnoxious Blogger
Best Humor Blog
Hottest Mommy Blogger
Best Blog of All Time
And many more.

Have a favorite blog that you read all the time and think should be put to the vote? Check out the Blogger's Choice Awards and nominate your blog of choice, or even your own blog. Check around, see if it's already entered. Right now the best Celebrity blogger is looking like Wil Wheaton (Yes, as in Wesley Crusher from Star Trek), who has a scant 130 vote lead over Rosie O'Donnell. Third in line is The Tonight Show intern Ross Mathews.

This won't work if you don't vote, so get out there and vote for your favorite blogs in the categories that interest you the most. Anyone can nominate any blog they want to, and anyone can vote for the blogs of their choice to win in each category.

Voting closes on May 22nd at 11:59 pm and the winning blogs will be announced at PostieCon on June 2nd in Orlando Florida.