Thursday, June 28, 2007

Are there fleas in Alaska? Cats, Dogs and fleas in the Last Frontier

One of the things that I love about living in Alaska is that I have never seen a single flea. I have been told it is the cold weather that keeps them out of here, so now I am starting to worry about the warming weather. Anyone that scoffs at the effects of global warming should check the weather records for Alaska. We're getting worse and worse storms every year, never used to have any lightning. (I know, the stuff scares me into hiding under the blankets.)

But what else might this warming bring? We are already seeing a rise in the spider population. Are fleas and ticks next? How's the weather in Antarctica? I used to live where there were ticks, I hate them buggers. Used to have fleas all over my poor puppies and kittes too. Harry Potter and Shadowcat (formerly Capt. Jack Sparrow) have neither one ever even heard of a flea, much less ever been bitten by one of them. I don't want to have to deal with a cat flea problem. We have too many cats to deal with that between my kitties (not sure yet if I only have 1 cat or three cats, lol, long story) and my brother and nephews cats and then the dogs (5 of them). Y'all in the lower 48 can just keep your fleas away from my lazy happy flee-free cats.

Thankfully there are a lot of good resources on the internet, such as the Flea Control Guide at, that have information on how to deal with flea problems. The Flea Control Guide is a good place to start looking for information, I know a little about dealing with fleas since we used to have dogs and cats in Washington years back, and the little I looked around the Flea Control Guide website impressed me with how much information they have (including natural ways to kill off fleas without pesticiding your pets.

Gawd... can you imagine a dog musher having a flea infestation in their kennel? ::hides from very thought of it:: Kennels I seen have anywhere from 30 to 50 dogs in them. :::shudders:::

Harry Potter and Shadowcat (aka: Captain Jack Sparrow) catnapping on basement stairs.


Anonymous said...

Sorry to have to tell you this but yes there are fleas and certain types of lice in Alaska. You can find flease on lynx, fox, coyotes, martin, ermine, wolves, rabbits, and even some bears. Yes even our waterfowl carry a type of louse that is however not harmful to humans and pets. You can ask any real Alaskan Trapper and they will tell you about flease. Alot of them have had them for a time.

Sandra said...

I did not say there are no fleas or lice/louse in Alaska, I said I have never seen any fleas on my dogs or cats.

In over 30 years of living in Alaska I have never had any fleas on my dogs or cats. Elsewhere... they were a yearly problem that I had to deal with.