Saturday, July 14, 2007

Moose dropped in Talkeetna

I guess they dropped the moose on Talkeetna today. Annual bombing run that we Alaskan's have to keep the Talkeetnan's in line. Strafe them a few times with bombers loaded up with moose.

Okay, before you animal rights folks get up in arms over this, it's not that bad. Actually, we don't drop moose on them, we drop moose poop on them. Yup, we really do, we drop moose droppings in an annual festival.

And you thought Alaskans were smart enough to have advanced cold weather survival technology. HA!

Okay, now that I have you all scared to visit Alaska, check out what the Moose Dropping Festival is really all about at the official page for the Moose Dropping on the Talkeetna Chamber of Commerce website.