Monday, July 16, 2007

Sultana and Denali - aka: Mt Foraker and Mt McKinley

I took my ATV up to check the mail a while ago and finally got a really good view out to Denali. There's a point on the trail where the bike path lifts up above the road on a trail and from there you have a great view on a clear day of Denali and Sultana (Mt McKinley and Mt Foraker for you lower 48er's).

Annoying power lines are in the way here, but you can at least get an idea on the view. It's much better when you're not taking a picture on the back of an idling ATV. ::shakes head::: Suppose I should have shut it off or at least got off the thing, huh? Ah well, I wanted to get more about Alaska into this blog, and this at least gives you some idea on things. And for those saying, "Well, those mountains aren't very big", I'm probably around 200 miles south of them when I took this picture.

There is a much better view of Denali up the Parks highway to the north, maybe I'll head up that way one of these days and get a picture of it up there.