Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thumb drive storage for backups

I picked me up a 512 mb thumb drive, so I can download my writing onto the little thumb drive and put it away in my safe where it will stay safe in case something happens to the computer. I've been wanting to back that all up for a long time now, and decided that it was about time I got that done. It would really hurt to have to restart my novel, which is currently stuck at chapter 18, from scratch. :::wince::: Not fun.

I plan to get a few more of these things, only about $13 each, so I can make backups of various things such as pictures and important files and have it all sorted out onto different thumb drives. That way I can shift things from one computer to the other and have it all stored safely in the safe.

I want to eventually get me a 4gb thumb drive where I can dumb a full backup of my computer onto it. That will have to wait for a long time though.