Saturday, July 28, 2007

Wait... what do you mean you won't ship anything to me?

I just stumbled across the National Arbor Day website and was reading over things and thinking how cool it would be to give trees at my parent's anniversary or maybe even Christmas that could be planted in the spring time. Only one small flaw when I decided to check out their order stuff. They don't include Alaska as a state. Their map and drop down menu lists every state except Alaska.

I guess it's because they ship UPS ground, but dangnabit why do people keep excluding Alaska from stuff? There are a lot of eBay folks that say they have to charge more to ship USPS to Alaska..... *WHY?* It costs the same to ship a United States Postal Service letter or package to Alaska as it costs for anywhere else in the USA. Yeah, UPS and Fed Ex charges more, but that is because UPS and Fed Ex are a bunch of idiots that need help finding the state.

I guess folks think that our dog mushers are going to be expecting extra payment for hauling the package out across the frozen tundra on dog sleds to get things out of Anchorage to the outlaying towns like Big Lake, Palmer and Wasilla. I suppose it is a little unfair to ask those huskies to run 70 miles out to the Valley over glaciers and fighting past grizzlies just to deliver a few trees.

Or maybe The Arbor Day folks think that Alaska has enough trees already? I mean, we have less roads in the entire state than there are in Los Angeles and I think I heard somewhere we have fewer people than New York City - can't most places make that claim though? Course, I suppose most places can't threaten Texas with kicking it to third biggest state if they piss us off, huh? Still... why exclude Alaska people? You're giving the polar bears a complex here. They're picking on the penguins. Ah well, I guess I better get back to work on shoring up the side of the igloo and making sure the dog sled is in good shape for the run to town later. We are rather out in the middle of nowhere with not even bush plane service you know.