I spent yesterday out with my brothers, helping them build the foundation and build the joists and floor of the first part of the house that one of them is in the process of building. We got one whole section completed on the floor section before we stopped work for the day because they had to take off to see someone.
During construction I injured my poor wittle pinkie finger. I was getting ready to drive a nail in and my hand slipped and the hammer caught the edge of my pinkie between it and the board. Hurt like hell for a little bit, then started forming into a nasty blood blister. This is how it looks today.

Sucker hurt like mad yesterday and is a pain to try and do anything that might cause that blister to touch something today, but I'll obviously live. Been years since I hit my hand with a dang hammer. Now to just leave the thing alone until it goes away on its own, because if I remember correctly it hurts like hell if one of them suckers breaks open. I still helped get down another 4 sheets of particle board and construct about 8'x20' of floor after I hit myself with the hammer, so I guess it's not that debilitating. Or I was that ticked off at the project for my injury. ::snicker::
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