Friday, August 24, 2007

Quizzes at Quiz Rocket

I normally love those sites that have quizzes and such on them, and even when I was told to check out the quiz "am I a lesbian test" at Quiz Rocket, I decided "what the hell?" Not my standard category, but I'm zoning out here and something to make me snicker is always a good thing when I am zoning.

What is not a good thing is 50+ "accept this offer!!!!" offers. I went to the Quiz Rocket site and took the test. Snuck in at the end of each set of questions are little identifying things like "Are you a man or a woman?", "What is your date of birth?", What is your zip code?" That last one had me laughing. I was actually being honest in my answers until the site told me 99652 was not a real zip code. After that it accepted the stupidest replies for phone number and mailing address and e-mail... but it refused to take 99652 as a valid zip code. That is the zip code for Big Lake Alaska, it is valid according to the US postal service.

So, as I said, I lost interest when it hit me with my zip code being invalid, so when I finished the quiz and began wading through page after page after page of "Accept this offer?" and "Click these to accept them!!!" sales pitches I started to seriously crash in energy levels. I stopped playing the silly game after the umpteenth (into the 50's I'm sure) screen I clicked through skipping. I even accepted about 4 of the offers and still no sign of the test results page.

I give up. Their end offers stuff is way too long. One is okay, three is within reason. Even five would be tolerable, but I completely lost count of how many screens of advertisements I waded through before I gave up.

Quiz topics at the site include Intelligence Quiz, Office Character Quiz, Where Should I Live Quiz, Dumb Test, Gay Guiz, Lesbian quiz, and the "Impossible" Quiz.

I think I had to have fallen into the Impossible one to have hit that many advertisements between the end of the quiz and the results page. The quiz was entertaining and amusing, but I'm not sure I could wade through the ads to find out the result.

This post was paid for by QuizRocket