Saturday, October 18, 2008

Road Trip

Someday I want to go on a long road trip around the States, to see the things that I have long heard about but seen so few of. While I am not about to give up on the possibility that I will be able to save my parents' house, I do know that it would be foolish to presume that my ever owning their home is at all guaranteed. So, knowing that, I am going to begin working on a plan for a road trip, devising where I would like to go along the route and what sights I would like to get the chance to see.

I hope that someday, when I am able to take the trip, I will be able to return home, to my parents' house in Alaska, and live out the rest of my life here. For now, I will plan out the journey and worry later about if it is to be a one way journey or if I will return home at the end of it.