Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Blackberry or iPhone for travel

There are a lot of reasons to get an iPhone or Blackberry, but it seems like there are now a few more. A smaller travel bag.

In the past, whenever you needed to travel, it often meant packing a book to read, some work you needed to get done, maybe a video game to entertain yourself while waiting in line. If you went to somewhere unfamiliar you might pack a travel guide. Maps. Even a pocket dictionary to help you communicate.

Now all of that can be loaded onto devices such as an iPhone or Blackberry that slips into your coat or shirt pocket. And even keeps you in touch with the rest of the world. I admit it, I dislike change, but I would love to change in my little slider cell phone for a Blackberry or iPhone I could pack around on my ATV in the summer.


Anonymous said...

I completely and utterly agree!

I was recently perusing the various delectables down Restaurant Row in New York, NY when a passer-by mentioned to her compadre that she needed to stop "pontificating" all the time. Rather than continue my life in ignorance, and since I had the Concise Oxford English Dictionary by Prelude on my iPhone, I simply whipped out my mobile device and looked up "pontificate".

It was pretty astounding to have that level of information right on my cell phone. I guess it's hard to determine where this technological climate will take us next. It always manages to stun me...