Saturday, July 04, 2009

Argh, nothing to wear

I went looking for something to wear a few minutes ago because I had been working at the sink and splashed soapy water on my shirt. It occurs to me that I seriously, seriously need to go clothing shopping. All I have are work type t-shirts that have assorted paint or stuff spilled on them from working around the house, and a few fancy things better suited to nightclubs (that I never go to anymore) than to going to the store.

I hate buying clothing though, since it is all either so not my style or far too expensive. I don't mind picking up wholesale clothes when I can find something decent, and I admit that places like second hand stores aren't bad for shirts, but I always end up getting my jeans new since it seems like those that wear my size either never get rid of their jeans or wear them to a frazzle before they part with them.