Thursday, February 10, 2011

Valentine's Day

Like it or not, Valentine's Day is just around the corner. That means that now is the time to get all of those last minute things on your Valentine's Day special day list.

You DO have a list made up for how to make that day a special one, right?

It can be good to be spontaneous, but planning out the perfect evening is the best way, in my humble opinion, to make it extra special. The important thing to remember is to stay flexible. Don't let the evening be ruined by one thing taking longer than expected or by your date asking about a spontaneous walk in the park or something.

In my opinion men look their best when dressed in a neatly tailored suit complete with neatly tied neck ties and shined penny-loafer style shoes, or in a lumberjack-style work shirt over a t-shirt and jeans with cowboy boots or engineer boots, but that is just my personal preference. You men should know what your lady appreciates and dress accordingly to that and to the night that is planned.

And what kind of night is planned? It used to be dinner and a movie back before movies were so readily available on DVD or even streaming to your computer or television, so maybe a nice new release that you know she has wanted to see accompanied by a home cooked meal if you can cook? If not, dinner out at a nice place or ordering dinner to go. Even the most unskilled cook can order up a few good looking things from the hot foods counter at the local supermarket and arrange them back at home to look like a fine home cooked meal.

A heart shaped box of candies is the staple of the day, as are roses, but there are alternatives. Carnations can last longer than roses and still be a lovely flower, especially with some baby's breath. And a bag of chocolate chips melted over boiling water or in a microwave safe bowl can be used to dip strawberries into. No strawberries? Plan a little ahead and get a jar of maraschino cherries, powdered sugar and chocolate chips to make her home made cordial cherries. They're easier than you might think! I will post a recipe for them later this evening.