Sunday, April 03, 2011

Bookbinding workshop

I'm getting up my bookbinding area set up to try and start that business into full swing as a way to bring in a bit of additional income, I have my scroll saw set up and my sander, need to get some new band saw blades for my mom's old band saw and get it set up in the cutting room, along with my dad's old vice and my mom's antique grinding stone for sharpening knives.

Need to fabricate a new book press and make new sewing and sawing frames, as well as a rounding frame so I can shape the spines of the books properly.

It is going to take some work to get it set up, but should not take too much expense. The expense will be in getting the materials to make the books, but I should have enough on hand already to make four or five books to start - need some ink for my printer though, because I want to add a decorative touch to the pages that will be going into the larger books, page numbering, decorative scrolls, some pictures, and so forth.