Friday, April 15, 2005

Spring in Alaska

Well, spring has sprung in Alaska. The tempature is getting warmer (think news said last night we may even hit a high of 48 degrees F this week. (bikini weather!!! lol) I've been outside since things began to thaw out, collecting the tools that had gottne left out and getting the trash neighbor dogs strewed from here toeward their own homes picked up as it thatws outta the ice.

Other activities I have been keeping busy with include helping my friend, Dakota Kincaid, figure out marketing for her western novels. Love the concept, I was uncertain for a while about reading them, because the lead gal is a psychic, but I have to say, Dakota has managed to write it and still keep it as a true feeling western. If you are looking for a western, but not in the mood for the same cliche' types that have been around for so long, I suggest you take a look at her work. She has two books published with a third out any time now (and more in the works). You can either check your local book store for her novels (Genesis, Hard Bargain, and soon to come out, Lazarus) or visit her website,, where she has information on upcoming novels in the Chronicles.

Other things I have been up to include quilting and working on a scrap book. Both of which I want to have done by the end of the month, so for now they have taken priority over my writing on Heir to Magic. (See my Writer's Life blog for information on my woork days.)