Okay, if you know me, you know that in addition to loving fantasy I love cowboys. I grew up pinging between Alaska and North Central Washingon, which means that some of the better days of my childhood was spent either on a horse or watching others on them at a rodeo. The Tonasket Rodeo, the Curlew Rodeo, the Omak Stampeed and Suicide Race. Ahhh those were the days! Sitting for hours in the hot sun with my friend who forgot she burns easily and then sympathyzing with her about her massive sunburn when I was not even tanned :::ducks and runs for cover::: I'm guessing that Vicki is still not ammused about that day. She was well done.
Anyway, in my wandering and procrastinating working on the dreaded sea battle for my novel, I stumbled upon Houston Rodeo Tickets. ::sigh:: I need to sell my novel so I can gather up all my pards and go have some real fun watching cute cowboys get thrown off bucking broncos.
Okay, okay, back to the sea battle, sheeeesh. Can't a girl even make plans for the next get together?
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