Thursday, August 17, 2006

D&D Magazines ruined

I was out in the quonset hut doing my regular box sorting and tossing things out or re-packing what is to be kept when I discovered a box on the floor that had got soaked and the magazines in it ruined. ::pouting:: It was half of my Dragon Magazine collection, all my Dungeon Magazines and all my Polyhedron Newsletters. (These are from my days as a hard-core D&Der when I had a subscription to both Dragon and Dungeon and was a member of the Role Players Gaming Association (RPGA), Polyhedron is the RPGS'a newsletter.) It was very disheartening to see so many of my collection destroyed by flooding in the quonset hut.

I still love the game, but am in a place where I can't play it with others so rely on on-line games. They are as a general rule unpredictable on their life expectancy.

I found a great place to play that has a Open Source chat room and all that, even found a great group of people to play with in a laid back old time D&D style, but alas this computer barely runs Windows 95, no way is it going to handle the Python program and everything that needs to be downloaded to access that game place. So I'm out of luck on getting back there until I can get my e-machine fixed. It needs a new power pack from what my brother can determine, so soon as I can afford that I should be up and running in grand style with my first ever brand new computer. YES!

Dragon Magazine
Dungeon Magazine