Tuesday, September 19, 2006

It figures - I can't sleep, so...

Of course, my dad who woke me up at 3 a.m. has now run down and is sleeping soundly where I can not go back to sleep because it is now 6 a.m. and I have to have me and him ready to be at the hospital (an hour drive away) at 8:30.

::pounds head on desk:: Someone remind me again why I go through this?

At least I have not wasted the morning. I've been getting writing work done and catching up on some other stuff I need to do, in addition to a little goofing off painting on the jack-o-lantern I am working on (ceramic one).

A word of advice to anyone looking at becoming a full-time caregiver to their parents -- make sure your siblings will do their fair share and then make sure they can actually handle it. You would think a woman that raised 5 children would be able to handle their own father for a little while, my sisters are proof to the contrary. ::shaking head::