Friday, September 08, 2006

Knik Kounty Liquor ROCKS!!!!!

Okay, this is just too freaking cool! I got a call this morning from the gal at the liquor store where I buy mom and dad's ciggarettes, they drew my name from the entries to win the 2006 Honda Rancher TRX350FM today!!!!!

I'm so freaking jazzed about it. Went down and claimed it and made out papers and posed for pictures with my new 4-wheeler. :-D

It's parked in the yard now, beautiful little baby and she's allll mine!!!

I feel like the old guy with the winning Keno ticket on National Lampoon's Vegas Vacation. ::snicker::: "I won, I won, I won the 4-wheeler!, I won! :-D"

Now I can go places, because in Alaska I don't need insurance to ride a 4-wheeler. :-D Soooo jazzed.