Thursday, September 07, 2006

One Stop On-line Dating

Okay, I have tried the on-line dating scene - usually give up when I hit the guys that insist on meeting me behind local fast food joints for no-names-traded weekly get togethers in the back of a car or ones that insist that unless I give them my phone number they won't talk to me.

Add to that the fact that all the sites charge outrageously and have few men in the small area I live in, and it's a nightmare.

But I just found a site that looks promising! This site pulls together profiles from, Yahoo Personals, American Singles, LoveHappens, and True into one easy search in a manner similar to the way that websites like travel consolidation websites like Expedia and Travelocity do, or price comparison sites like Shopping and NexTag, to create a similar format for the world of online dating. I ran a sample search and was blown away by the number of men in my little town that showed up on their search! When I visited a few of the sites I found a couple of guys in my town and a few more further out, but with they are all pulled together into one search that makes it so much easier to locate a guy that I might make a connection with.

If you've considered or tried online dating, I urge you to check these guys out for yourself.