Joe Navarro spent over 25 years working for the FBI before he retired, his work included both supervisor and field work. Having spent his time working counterintelligence and counterterrorism he knows more than just a little about the non-verbal cue that a person displays when they lie and how to spot them. Imagine being able to understand the subtle mannerisms that let you know if someone is holding a hand worthy of that bet, or if they are bluffing.
This intense fast moving seminar, held at Caesars Palace, Las Vegas on November 19th, will train you to play poker with skill and is specifically designed to mimic how federal agents are trained so that you can multiply your chances of success at the poker table.
To find out more about this seminar, and the man behind it, visit the Navarro Poker website. If you're interested make sure that you hurry to make reservations, only 100 people will be able to attend to assure that each attendee will be able to receive personal attention. Each will be evaluated for what their own tells are and be involved in developing their observation skills in real life situations.
With only 100 openings available this is sure to be a sell-out seminar, so be sure you reserve before October 15th for a substantial savings! $999 per person compared to the regular price, after October 15th, of $1699 per person.
Breakfast and light refreshments will be served, and all seminar attendants will receive Joe Navarro's new book written in cooperation with Poker Champion Phil Hellmuth.
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