Monday, October 23, 2006

Silly cat

My cat, Harry Potter - so named many of you know because he had a scarred forehead as a kitten, is insane. The cat begs to be let out of the house, however, when I do let him out into the yard he belly crawls fearfully back to the door to get back inside the house. He's apparently an agorophobic feline that feels safe in the house, but yearns to see what the outside world is like. He wants to go out and visit with the other cats that he sees playing in the yard (being a one year old male he is particularly interested in the females I'm sure), but he does not want to actually *be* outside to socialize. Which is actually good since there is a tomcat twice his size out there that would kick the shit out of poor Harry and has offered to do so several times already. So I have this mournful long haired Siamese that sits in the window and stares out at the other cats with longing, but refuses to go outside. I think if not for the fact he has a Shitzu in here to play with it would totally break my heart.