Wednesday, November 22, 2006

It's COLD out there!

I went outside earlier to pour heating fuel into the tank... it's like 7 degrees and I'm out there in my dad's jacket and jammies pouring heating fuel into the tank. It's so dang cold the plastic siphon pump won't start up a siphon so here I am trying to hold the Mag Light under my arm or chin or tucked down shirt (BAD idea!! it's metal and COLD now!), and at same time lift a can over my head to pour into a funnel on the tank.

I managed to get it with minimal spillage, but it was a cold fight. My fingers were freezing inside my Thinsulate gloves.

I did get to see the stars. They were quite nice looking and Orion was high enough to be seen good. I like Orion. I so want to get things set up so I can use my telescope., I love looking at the stars and planets, but it's just too dang cold to do that outside in Alaska.