The following is an actual AIM chat between me and my best friend about my experiences with online blog marketing sites, such as PayPerPost, Just so people know a bit more about how I really feel.
me: I got things this morning done by 5:30 and crawled into bed, so OF COURSE dad starts hitting door buzzer at 6.. 7:30, 8, 9....
her: HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
me: HUGS!!
her: how long have you been doin' that stuff?
me: ads?
her: yup
me: Since late July I think
me: nope - August
me: Think I been up ta it since Aug - may have been July LOL
her: so 900 a month of income, 3600 grand total possibility?
(snipped out non-related talk)
me: Income based on how many ads ya post and how many blogs ya have and I run two different companies on regular basis - PayPerPost I can make 3 posts per day x 4 blogs for a total of 12 max posts a day ay usual price of $4 to $10 (three I just made was $5, $7, and $10) - then Blogative I can make $5 per post and tend to get about close ta or over 15 posts a month spread over 5 blogs - so I can make $75 a month on them and say low end of $240 up to max of $1,440 a month at PayPerPost - So if I did it FULL time I can make $315 to $1,515 a month on them things
me: I average about $200 to $300 a month at moment I think
her: ahhkay... i was just goin' by it seems like you say 20 to 30 bucks a day
me: Someone with one blog could make prolly $15 on Blogative a month and $360 on payperpost so about $375 for one blog if they full timed the postings
her: huh?
me: 1 blog x 3 posts a day at $4 each for 30 days = $360
me: This week I have made -
one post on Tuesday for $10
Four posts on Thursday: 4, 5.01, 4, 10 = $23.01
there posts today: 7, 5, 10 = $22
total this week - $55.01
her: ahhkay
me: Last week I made 102.66 - so it varied greatly based on how much work I can put into it
me: And then it also varies based on if there's anything that can fit one'a my blogs (although the Blogative ones I am not as discriminating about since I can't pick and choose from them, I either get the ad or I don't)
(snipped more talk about other things)
her: ::snicker:: sandra is a postie!
me: That's what PayPerPoster's are called :nods::
her: i couldn't get to blogative
me: link I use -
her: ahhhkay. i misspellet it
me: The other two are and bloggingads -- I think..
me: Bloggingads don't pay much though, they're almost more annoyance than worth while
her: LOL
her: payperpost looks the most impressive
me: They are and they're a riot
her: blogitive looks sorta iffy
me: tell PPP sent ya if ya join
her: maybe when i'm not annoyed with computers due to ebay
me: PPP you can pick what ya want - Blogative you get assigned things - actually all of them but PPP you are assigned them
me: refferals to PP is worth $5 ea to referrer is why I say tell them I sent ya btw O:-)
me: pp = ppp
her: ::nods:: ::snerk:: figured at much
me: I sent Sue there the other day and forgot to tell her about that lol
her: ooopsies
me: I feel happy with them despite the name calling phase they went through because I went to FTC and FTC says "no problem, do whatever you want to with your words as long as no one looks up to you" :-D
And there you have it. Uncut and raw with only the AIM names changed to protect the private screen names. The places I use and why PayPerPost is hands down the best there is, for posters and advertisers.
If you want to find out more about PayPerPost, check out their forums, it's the best place to learn about the kinds of people that post for it and run it and a great place for advertisers to find out more about the service.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
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