Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Presidental Pardon on Turkeys "Flyer and Fryer"

Today, in the Rose Garden at the White House, the President pardoned Flyer and Fryer - they will not be dinner. In fact, they're going to Disneyland! Yup, they're to be honorary grand marshals of the Thanksgiving Day Parade

The name of the national Thanksgiving turkey has been chosen by online voting at the White House website. The President said of the birds - "And there's always a backup bird, just in case the guest of honor can't perform his duties, and the backup bird's name is Fryer. (Laughter.) Probably better to be called Flyer than Fryer."

As part of his speech, President Bush said: "So on Thanksgiving Day, we gather with loved ones and we lift our hearts toward heaven in humility and gratitude. As we count our blessings, Americans also share our blessings. We're a generous country. We're filled with caring citizens who reach out to others, people who've heard the universal call to love a neighbor as we want to be loved ourselves. On Thanksgiving and every day of the year, Americans live out of a spirit of compassion and care, and I thank you for that. It's the spirit that moves men and women to be mentors to the young, to be scout leaders, to be helpers of the elderly, to be comforters of the lonely and those who are left out."

I wish Congress would take the hint that caregivers are a vital and very left out resourse for care and get H.R. 175, the Family Caregiver Security Act of 2005, passed. ::sigh::