Dream.In.Code is a computer science forum that provides users with a programming and web development community to help them correct the bugs that every programmer faces. Having 20,000 members, Dream.In.Code offers visitors free access to code snippets, tutorials, and forums.
Looking for help with programming languages? Members can ask questions about programs and get free help from experts in program codes such as: C/C++, Java, Visual Basic, PHP, ASP, .NET, ColdFusion, and more.
If you're like me, and like to get down and dirty in the programming code to build your own websites and codes and whatever, then you will get lost in this forum (I just did lol), they have a lot of good information and the participants are, from what I saw in my brief sojourn into the forums, both knowledgeable and helpful. Find help on not just programming languages, but on website building, site checks, and help with promotion and monetization of your website as well.
Turning 6 years old today, Dream.In.Code will be celebrating throughout March with contests, prizes, and fun! The site just got a face lift, including offering visitors free programming magazines such as Dr. Dobbs and Queue, as well as free t-shirts to any member with 500+ posts. Dream.In.Code also has a monthly drawing for a 1GB Thumb Drive.
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