Saturday, April 21, 2007

Going to try to read a book, don't laugh, it's not as easy as it sounds

I'm going to try to read a novel. Yeah, right, since when do I have the time for THAT? Well, I'm going to try to make the time. I need to keep more up to speed on what is being written if I want to be writing some of it. My current choice is not exactly recent, but it is by two writers that I like. Tracy and Laura Hickman. The novel is Mystic Warrior, and was first printed in paperback in 2005, so it's not THAT old, but it is older than I should be focusing on.

Baby steps. And besides that, this book has been sitting on my desk for a while waiting to be read so no sense in running out to buy a new book to read, huh?

I'll let you know if I make it through it. Chances are I won't have the mental power between work and being a caregiver to remain focused on the story enough to get pulled into it, but I'm gonna try.