Saturday, August 25, 2007


I had heard of TechPalooza before, but I had never actually been out to their website. I used to only shop at sites that I knew accepted PayPal, now I have a credit card though, so I can check out other sites that I used to pretty much ignore.

And that makes me so happy, since TechPalooza has a very nice little Lenovo Tablet computer that would just make my day to call mine. Under $1,500 for the pretty little computer. No shipping through the end of August too, so is something I would definitely get now if my finances allowed it. Unfortunately my finances don't allow it, but in my looking around the website at all of the nifty computer products I have been seeing a few other things that I want to get, so it is actually a good thing I am given the luxury to shop before I buy. I want to make designs for what I need in my office and then go back to TechPalooza and see what it would cost me to equip the room with what I need in it.

TechPalooza is very easy to navigate and has a lot of goodies that I am having trouble making my mind up over. Such as a Palm TX on their top sellers list - $253.00! Memory cards as low as $7 for 256MB.

Check the site out before you shop other sites, I think you'll like what you see.

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