Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Back to work - with a vengence that my mom would approve of

I'm starting to burn out on thinking here, so I am going to get back away from thinking about my mom and everything and try to get this blog back on track toward being a mostly travel focused blog with only occasional posts about my personal life. I think at the moment work would be something I can use as a focus that I can try to do, and I know that my mom would want me to be working. She was a person that did not care for computers, but she was very proud of me for my ability to make money on the computer. I had told her before about how some people frowned on inpost advertising and stuff, and her opinion was always that it did not matter what others thought about it, it was a way that I can make a few dollars, there is nothing that will pay me to care for my dad and he can not afford to pay me since we don't even break even on the bills each month. My mom always told my brothers and sisters that if it was not for my ability to make money through my blogging that we would never have made it from one month to the next - so I am not at all ashamed about blogging for a living, my work as a writer is something that my mom felt very strongly about and it was something that she believed in. She always believed that I am going to be all right because I know hot to take my skills as a writer and generate money using the internet, so I am going to do what I know she would want me to do and keep right on writing and earning money as a blogger online and in any other resources for writing that I can find. My mom's opinion was that I should monetize every one of my websites and not worry about what other people thought of it, that as long as I felt all right about what I was doing it was all that mattered. I feel pretty damn all right knowing that my online advertisement copywriter work is going to be something that will help me and my dad make it from one month to the next. And it is something my mom would want for me to be doing, so... watch out any who scoff at me posting advertising on my websites. If you don't like it, then ask me what you can pay me to keep the site advertising free. I'll be willing to talk weekly, monthly or yearly rates on any of my websites and blogs. For now, I'm going to take my mom's advise and do whatever I have to to take care of me and my dad.