Saturday, February 05, 2011

Talking about faith in religion

In December, just before Christmas, I got a visit from the local Jehovah's Witnesses. I talked to them for a little while and asked a few questions that they tried to answer and one they had no idea how to answer it, so they said they would be back in about a week with the answer and, if I wanted, a copy of their Bible. I agreed.

Move things up to last week... long after they said they would be back, and long after I gave up on them. One shows back up with his wife and they talk to me for a little while and have a copy of their Bible for me etc. After talking to them, and making it clear I'm not looking to join their church or anything, I agree with their proposition of the lady stopping by once a week and discussing the Bible and stuff with me. She says she'll call me the next day and stop by the day after.

I spend the next day and the next and a third expecting a call, or her to stop by or her to call and explain she had been sorry she hadn't called or stopped by when she had said she would.

Okay, no problem. I give up on them again.

Move things on to the following week and this morning around 10:30 am. You can guess who showed up in the yard in a car full of people, huh? Yup, she and a friend of hers come up to the door and I answered it before they even knocked and talked to them for a little while. Mostly I explained (in pretty much so many words) that I was not happy to have them basically blow me off for three days, I get enough of that from family, it's really sucky when it's Jehovah's Witnesses that blow me off.

She apologized and I pondered a bit and agreed that as long as she calls if she can't make it next time (so I don't spend the entire day in limbo) I'm kewl with her stopping by Monday afternoons to talk Bible and religion - then I make certain that she and her friend understand, just so they don't feel they have wasted their time, that I am not interested in joining their faith, I am just curious about why they feel it is the right one for them. The lady seemed even more intrigued by the prospect of that sort of conversation, so I'll be seeing them, or at least her, on Monday to spend some time talking and discussing the Bible and faith and why people have the beliefs they do.

Should be an interesting conversation.