Sunday, February 20, 2011

Washing dishes leads to gloomy thinking

I got energetic a little while ago and washed a few sinkloads of the dishes that have piled up. things that either didn't fit into the dishwasher or are too large to go into it.

As I washed things I could not help but mentally go over what was something I would keep vs what I would want to part with and if it would be sent to someone I know to use or tossed into yard sale or off to Salvation Army or something.

I'm still holding out hope that I will be able to save the house, but I had it made clear to me by all but one of my siblings before my dad passed away that despite everything me and mom did for them, I was on my own.

It's just a shame that there is not something like a cheap phenphedrine diet pill that rather than slimming the waist line it slims down a mortgage. With no real credit history and finding work to get a steady income taking far longer than it should have, I am starting to resign myself to having given up my future for having taken care of my parents. Time to start sorting things for what is worth storing and what things I want to keep close to me.

Also time to start figuring out if things don't work out on keeping the house, when and how to leave the State. I think I want to be out of here no later than late August to early September if I have to, so I can take my time driving down the Alcan highway since it will be the first time I will have driven it and will have a car filled with me and my critters.