Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sick and just wanna nap

I have started getting sickly thanks to my nephew hanging out around the house with a cold. Nose is sniffly today, and my head is all foggy feeling. Makes me just want to lay down on the sofa and nap the day away, but I have things I need to be up and working on, so can't do that. I had considered going outside today, since it is a very lovely sunny day and the snow is lovely out the windows, but it is also too cold to be out there with a cold. So, I have been enjoying peeks out the windows and working around inside all day. I need to get some things sorted out and box up some stuff that will either go into storage or ... I don't know what I'll do with it all. Just need to get it taken care of so when summer hits I can focus on the sheds outside and have things in here all taken care of already. Although napping all day is sounding like a better idea...