Saturday, May 21, 2011

Drive or take the ATV?

I'm tossing back and forth on if I want to drive into town tomorrow or ride my ATV in. I haven't got to go on a good long ATV ride yet this summer and it would be nice to jaunt down into town and back on the ATV. I just can't decide if I have enough time to do that. I have a lot that I need to do in the morning, then I'd need to leave no later than 2pm if I am going to make it to town by 4 when the phone company closes. So driving will likely win out over the ATV ride, even though I really want to hit the trails. Aw well, maybe I'll take the ATV out tomorrow night after I get back from town, or on Sunday. It's hard being an ATV junkie and not getting any real time on the trails.