And that brings me to the other bit of news on the blog front - I moved both blogs (this one and A Writer's Life) onto my website's server and set them up so I can update them via e-mail. :-D I should be able to update them a lot more often now.
Blogger rejected my answer to their random question of make up rules to a game where you tie knots in a yo-yo string just to get them out. Said it was too long. So just cause I got it wrote I am sharing it here.
Rules for the game of Yo-yo Knotting
Rule 1: One knot is made in the first round with an additional knot added for each round thereafter. The player can not make more than one square knot, and three slip knots during any one turn.
Rule 2: The player must have the yo-yo in motion when they create the knot - either moving along the string or spinning at the end. If the yo-yo stops the player must restart it through a 'walk the dog' motion along the floor. No touching it with their other hand (see points below).
Rule 3: All knots must be tied so as not to include any portion of the string being around any part of the player's hand or another object.
Rule 4: Only one hand (the hand the string is attached to) can be used to achieve all knots.
Rule 5: Each player has one (1) minute per round in which to complete the knots. (I.E.: one minute first round, two minutes during the second round, three minutes during the third... and so forth)
Rule 6: When untying the knots the player must follow all of the same rules as for tying the knots.
Rule 7: Points are given for each knot based on the difficulty of tying with points subtracted for more than one square knot or more than three slip knots. Points are also subtracted for each time the yo-yo must be returned to motion. A player automatically loses if their free hand touches the yo-yo at any time. Double points are deducted for every knot left on the string when the player's turn is over.
It's late and I have more to get done - so that's all for now. Nite all.
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